Friday, August 30, 2013

Can I just tell you how much I love fiber people?

I went to the Great Basin Fiber Arts Festival this last weekend to help a friend with her booth (and by help, I totally mean distract her from selling stuff and force her to shop with me) when I spied the prettiest handwoven rainbow color gamp towels. A color gamp is basically a color experiment that helps you see how colors will interact when woven. It also makes an impressive finished fabric...

On Sunday, I went to the Nelson Wool Works booth that had the towels and they were out. There had apparently been a violent altercation the night before over the last three in the booth. There was blood, and hair flying everywhere. OK, maybe not, but that's the lengths I'd be willing to go to for one of these puppies. I'd totally cut someone. I gave Lynn Nelson my information and asked him to call me about sending me one when they had more.

Wednesday night I got a call from the Ann Nelson telling me hat she would mail one to me tomorrow. When I mentioned that I hadn't paid for it yet, she just told me, "Well put a check in the mail. We'll be fine."

When does that EVER happen? Only among fiber people. We are awesome. And trustworthy.

And we like rainbows. That's awesome too.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, is that the one that arrived? It is so gorgeous! I must own some of these.
