Thursday, August 29, 2013

Best Learning Coach Ever

I'm pretty certain that my son's English class is going to be the death of me. He is doing high school online this year through Utah Virtual Academy. Last years experience with public school was abysmal at best. We decided to give this a shot because it allows for the kind of flexibility he will need. So far his classes have been great. Really engaging and the teachers have regular contact with the students, with one exception. English. We have only had one class session and then a whole bunch of self directed workbook stuff. Not only is English one of the Boy's most hated subjects, but workbook work is the most difficult thing in the world for him. He really needs interactive lessons in order to cement the knowledge in his head. Reading comprehension is a huge struggle for him. It's not to say that he CAN'T do it. He can. After intense struggle. He struggles to maintain focus, I struggle not to choke the life out of him because he is physically incapable of sitting quietly and focusing for more than 4.3 seconds.

Yes I realize this is my problem. I simply can't relate to ADD. Naturally then, I married a man with severe ADD and produced 2 children with him that also have ADD. This is because I am an intelligent woman capable of examining the results of my actions before making decisions.

It is unfathomable to me that an intelligent person can't just sit down and do a couple pages of vocabulary worksheets in 12 minutes like the rest of us without becoming completely consumed in the clicky sound their flash drive makes when they move the button back and forth.

When we started this process they gave the learning coaches (a fancy name for the person that is stuck being at home and lording over their children until the work gets done) some tips. Number one was "Don't raise your voice."

Let's all stop laughing now. I'm certain that they were being serious.

I am doing my best to be a good, kind and supportive learning coach. Even though because of internet difficulties we are now almost a week behind in his classes, I know we will catch up despite the fact that his course load each day takes more than the 5.75 hours he is allotted and 6 hours is about his studying cutoff where his focus disintegrates and no further information is going to enter his brain that day. It will be no problem to get all of that work caught up with his fine study skills and my patience and kindness.

As an example, let's take a look at a photo of me when my son is supposed to be doing vocabulary and is instead fixated on the Dane Cook radio on Pandora.

You see? I am calm and rational.

This will all work out just fine.


  1. That's just how you look when I keep texting, isn't it? I'm sure it will be fine. Fiiiiiine.

    1. No, she'll be on the five o'clock news on Tuesday next week.
      But, then again, I guess she will be fine because some one will feed her and she wont have to pay rent any more....

    2. Especially since I've found out that they allow knitting in prison....

  2. I can't really relate, but I share your frustration in other areas of my life, as you know (probably more than you really wanted to know). I hope he's able to catch up and if you ever need to get out just text me and most of the time that I'm not at work or sleeping, I'm just sitting at home knitting, so you'd be welcome to come knit with me.
