Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Gigantism and walking

In an effort to improve my health and reduce the size of my jeans I've begun a campaign of walking/jogging. I love walking. Especially long distances. It's weird, but whatever. You like weird stuff too. Stuff like shrimp and footrubs and footrubs while eating shrimp. Even weirder, eating shrimp while receiving footrubs from shrimp. You sicko.

I digress. In the course of my recent walks I've happened upon a curious phenomenon. It seems that there is a rash of freakishly large things appearing in people's front yards. I'm not sure how this happens, or how one prevents it. No one wants to wake up one morning to a 15 foot tall replica of the Titanic in their yard, but these sorts of things may be unpreventable. As evidence, I offer these:

A ginormous Ikea deer

Massive Snow Knight
These things were found in entirely different neighborhoods, so clearly this can happen anywhere. Protect yourselves, Protect your families, Protect your yards, lest you wake up one morning to a giant, angry shrimp front and center in your front yard. (I told you all that weirdness would come back to haunt you.)