Wednesday, January 15, 2014

You may have noticed that I have been missing lately...

Here are some reasons why:

  • The boy had to have an additional surgery to remove a pin in his leg in order to speed the healing process. I suggested amputation. I was told that we should at least try to look like we are encouraging healing before me maim the child for sport. Disappointing. His doctor has mentioned that his healing has picked up considerably and we will now have no good excuse for recreational amputations. Doubly disappointing. 

  • The final weeks of school were a bit more intense than I recall them being. Really sad since there were no finals, just a great deal of papers due. Normally I can come up with many, many pages of BS without even thinking about it. This semester took all of the BS out of me. Hence no blog posts. I was just an empty, empty shell. 

  • Directly after school ended, my family came for a visit. Three weeks of a visit. It was delightful, but at the same time, very long. I am currently suffering from a rare form of post-traumatic stress that involves me waking up in the morning and hoping that there will be someone on my kitchen to make me some raisin toast. This is what I find instead: 
This is a lonely toaster. Bereft of raisin toast. TOASTER!! MAKE ME RAISIN TOAST!!! Nope, still nothing. 

  • During the third week of that visit my husband and daughter were also home. This means that there were a total of 6 adults in 1200 square feet of townhouse with only 2 toilets. Even worse, two of these adults were my husband and daughter who had not spent time together for a year. There was constant beating upon, farting upon and hollering at one another in the manner of toddlers. It's a wonder that I haven't developed some sort of drug problem. 
It's like a Christmas bomb exploded in my living room.

  • Prior to all of the above trauma beginning, I was lazy. So there. What are you going to do about it?? Nothing, that's what. 

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